If you read my blog then you’ve heard the name Barry Bless once or twice or ten times. I can’t help it. This blog aims to bring the cool back to the accordion and they don’t come cooler than Barry.
He plays the accordion so beautifully it kinda pisses me off. But I don’t stay angry for long. I’m thankful there is such a kickass ambassador of cool for such a kickass instrument. Keep the faith, Barry.
Check it out for yourselves and tell me if this isn’t fabulous. Lawrence Welk he’s not–not that there’s anything wrong with Lawrence Welk, God bless his bubbly heart.
If you want more of Barry’s playing, and really, who doesn’t, check out the Happy Lucky Combo blog for a schedule of their upcoming gigs. They (as in Barry, along with super talents Pippin Barnett on drums and Dave Yohe on bass) play in Richmond all the time. You have no one to blame but yourself if you don’t go.
P.S. Speaking of accordion ambassadors of cool, you should check out my Tom Waits post if you missed it before.