When I dropped by Bill’s Cleaners in Carytown the other night, I had a delightful conversation with the woman behind the counter. In four minutes, we talked weather, rescue dogs. and Great Danes. While undoubtedly pleasant, this convo had nothing to do with my awesome accordion moment. That came next.
Heading out, I brushed shoulders and exchanged a smile with a gentleman heading in.
Seconds later, while I was hanging my clothes in the back seat, he rushed right out the door and gave me a hearty shout out–right there on the sidewalk.
Man from the dry cleaner: “Hey! I love your bumper sticker.”
Me: “Well thank you.” Smile.
Man from the dry cleaner: “That’s the best bumper sticker I’ve ever seen! Pro-Accordion and I vote. Hahahahahahaha.”
Me: “Have a good evening.”
Then he went back inside.
I love that guy. He’s obviously super cool.